2021 John McDermott Champion of Children Award: Lou Catano
John McDermott Champion of Children Award
John McDermott was a man whose life was committed to changing the future for New Hampshire’s youth. He spent his entire career in law enforcement and juvenile justice working diligently to improve the lives of children. John knew and believed the committed work of one or many could, and would, change the course of events and impact generations to come. John McDermott’s life was an
example of how relentless advocacy can move mountains and turn the thinking of a single child in need around. The John McDermott Champion of Children Award is an annual award that celebrates the work of one person whose tireless advocacy has influenced the lives of many.
John’s hand print will forever remain on the hearts of all of us here at CASA.
2021 Honoree: Lou Catano
Past honorees:
2020 –Sylvia Gale (Posthumous)
2019 – Judge Willard “Bud” Martin
2018 – Governor Christopher Sununu
2017 – Gail Snow
2016 – Sue Meagher
2015 – Kristi Lamont
2014 – Ann Larney
2013 – Sandra Matheson