Click through below to read some of the most recent press about CASA of New Hampshire.
On Tap for CASA raises plenty for a worthy children’s cause
Union Leader | March 12, 2023
On Tap for CASA, CASA of New Hampshire’s signature barstool fundraiser, raised more than $60,000 to support New Hampshire’s children experiencing abuse or neglect.
NH Family NOW Podcast S2 E9: Ad Litem, Are You?
Podcast, NH Children’s Trust | May 25, 2022
Marty Sink, President & CEO of CASA NH, joined Nathan Fink from the New Hampshire Children’s Trust to discuss becoming a CASA for children and how it can help Granite State children and families grow stronger and more resilient.
Marcia Sink: You Can Make a Difference for a Victimized Child
Op-Ed, Union Leader | May 12, 2022
Last month was National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a special time to focus on preventing child maltreatment by helping families thrive. In an ideal world, prevention efforts would eradicate child abuse and neglect but, unfortunately, we are not there yet.
Good Morning NH with Jack Heath
107.7 The Pulse | February 16, 2022
Our Recruitment Director Diane Valladares and CASA volunteer advocate Jo D. Livingston discussed how ordinary people can sign up to help New Hampshire children who experienced abuse or neglect.
Hometown Heroes: Abused and neglected kids have Charlene Baxter in their corner
Concord Monitor | January 30, 2022
New London resident Charlene Baxter has been a CASA volunteer advocate for six years. Her approach for building a relationship with the children she serves is simple: “Just be genuine and be myself, ask a lot of open-ended questions and just be genuinely interested in them.”
Give Back New Hampshire
NHPR | January 22, 2022
Program Manager Alison Riley and CASA volunteer advocates Pete King and Kristin Faxon share what it is like to make a difference in the life of children who have experienced abuse and neglect.
New Hampshire Chronicle: Shane is looking for a family to share his curiosity and wonder
New Hampshire Chronicle | Oct. 18, 2021
Meet Shane, an eight-year-old looking for his Home at Last! “He’s such a bright little boy and he’s going to be a great part of any family,” says Karen Geerer, his Child Protective Service Worker.
Magic 104 Interview with Program Manager Shiloh Remillard
Magic 104 | Oct. 12, 2021
Program Manager Shiloh Remillard spoke with Clay Groves from Magic 104. Listen to hear more about how you can become a volunteer advocate and make a difference!
Michael Harris: CASA needs more volunteers
Letter, Valley News | Oct. 5, 2021
Court-appointed special advocates are volunteers who help abused and neglected children in New Hampshire courts. I became a CASA five years ago, and it has become the most meaningful and rewarding activity I have found in my retirement.
Women on a Mission
Barbara Coles, New Hampshire Magazine | Aug. 18, 2021
CASA of New Hampshire President and CEO Marty Sink discusses CASA’s response to obstacles throughout the pandemic.
Tom Goulette: CASA volunteers can make a difference for children
Letter, Laconia Sun | July 14, 2021
“I didn’t know that there was such a problem.” “Aren’t there agencies that take care of the children?” These are typical comments that I receive when I talk to be people about being a CASA (Court Appointed Child Advocate) and what I do in that role.
CASA of NH Featured in ELF
ELF | July 1, 2021
Though resilient and tough, children of abuse and neglect have a hard road ahead of them. Having someone advocate for the child’s best interest can be invaluable.
Go to page 7 to see the feature story.
Your Words: CASA Volunteers needed to help children find a safe home
The Keene Sentinel | May 10, 2021
Imagine learning the two meanings for the Spanish word casa: home and place. So warm and inviting! You then find yourself reading about an organization called CASA, whose volunteers advocate for abused or neglected children waiting in foster care for a permanent home or place.
Governor Declares CASA Appreciation Day
NH Union Leader | April 22, 2021
For the second year, Gov. Chris Sununu has proclaimed April 22 as CASA Appreciation Day in New Hampshire.
Allison Riley and Mike Davis discuss the importance of CASA OF N.H.
93.5 WMWV | April 13, 2021
Program Manager Allison Riley and 8-year CASA volunteer advocate Mike Davis provide an overview of the CASA program and its needs particularly in Cheshire County in this radio interview with Dan Mitchell.
CASA NH is Looking For Volunteers to Speak Up for Abused Children in the Granite State
94.1 WKBK | April 6, 2021
April is National Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month, making it a good time to focus on what is being done to help abused and neglected children in New Hampshire.
Tom Garrity: CASAs can make a real difference in children’s lives
Letter in Laconia Daily Sun | March 22, 2021
I am a CASA, a court appointed special advocate, for abused and neglected children. I urge you to consider becoming a CASA also.
Marty Sink and the Tenacity and Adaptability of CASA Staff and Volunteers
Resilient NH 2021 | March 16, 2021
For more than 30 years, Marty Sink and the network of staffers and volunteers at CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of New Hampshire have forged ahead to ensure children’s voices are heard in court.
Member Feature: CASA OF NH
NH Businesses for Social Responsibility | March 5, 2021
Sometimes just having your heart in the right place and stepping up can make all the difference. This is especially true when it comes to advocating for children caught up in our courts. And even more so during the pandemic when kids don’t have the same access to the support systems they normally would, like school, daycare or even just going out into the community.
NHLN Opinion+: Video Interview with Marty Sink
Belen Dumont | | Feb. 12, 2021
Welcome to this week’s episode of NHLN Opinion+, our weekly program that is dedicated to discussing the concerns and opinions of New Hampshire’s Latino community! We spoke with the CEO and President of CASA New Hampshire Marcia Sink about the organization’s biggest goals for 2021, how it adapted to serve the community during the pandemic, and ways residents can support the organization’s vital work.
BIA Business Perspective: Help for vulnerable kids
By Jim Roche President, BIA for the Union Leader | Feb. 6, 2021
I don’t know this for sure (because I’m on the inside looking out), but I suspect the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire’s reputation among elected and appointed state policy leaders depends upon their perspective of, and experience with, business.
Want to be a CASA volunteer? Jan. 13 info session for North Country
Berlin Sun | Jan. 2, 2020
So much has changed in the last year, but what hasn’t changed is the impact a CASA volunteer advocate has in the life of a child.
Make a Difference in an Abused or Neglected Child’s Life in 2021
Manchester Ink Link | Dec. 29, 2020
So much has changed in the last year, but what hasn’t changed is the impact a CASA volunteer advocate has in the life of a child.
Ode to ‘Creepy’ Santa: Artist’s tribute to the MHT holiday icon now a historic footnote – and a fundraiser
By Ryan Lessard, Manchester Ink Link | Dec.16, 2020
The seasonal Manchester landmark that’s come to be known as Creepy Santa or Demented Santa, a 12-foot-tall weathered fiberglass statue of Santa Claus, has a new location this year after 30 years standing vigil over the Rheume family Christmas tree lot on Elm Street.
Darlene Ference: A call for volunteers to help with vulnerable children
Letter, Conway Sun | Oct. 30, 2020
Like me you must hear people say, “let your voice be heard,” as we discuss the elections. However, for me this takes on a special meaning. As a CASA (court-appointed special advocate) I use my voice to speak on behalf of children who have been found neglected and/or abused by a court in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire judge wins prestigious national award for her work on children’s behalf
Manchester Ink Link | Oct. 22, 2020
The Honorable Susan B. Carbon of the 9th Circuit Court Family Division in Manchester has been named the 2020 judge of the year by the National Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian Ad Litem Association for Children.
First virtual CASA Cares gala raises $200,000 for children’s advocacy program
Hollis Brookline News | Oct. 7, 2020
MANCHESTER – CASA of New Hampshire raised more than $200,000 at last week’s CASA Cares for the Community, the agency’s first-ever virtual gala.
Child abuse reports plummet as students go remote
Eileen O’Grady, Concord Monitor | Sept. 29, 2020
When COVID-19 shut down workplaces and schools across New Hampshire in March, the number of reports of child mistreatment received by the state plummeted in the course of a week.
CASA virtual gala features Seth Meyers, auction
Staff Report, Union Leader | Sept. 24, 2020
CASA of New Hampshire will hold its annual “gala” Friday night, seeking to raise money for the state’s abused and neglected children, while also doing a little giving back of its own.
With Lory, Cheshire County kids always have someone in their court
By Caleb Symons, Keene Sentinel | Aug. 8, 2020
Many people feel liberated when they leave middle school. Jeremy Lory says he “felt a void.” Of course, Lory was 64 years old at the time. He retired from his job as a psychologist at South Meadow School in Peterborough, where he had worked for 14 years, in 2013.
Sally Fiore: Consider joining CASA and help a child during these difficult times
Letter, Conway Sun | July 27, 2020
To the editor: During this time of uncertainty it is comforting to know that there is a non-profit that focuses solely on the best interests of children.
NH child advocates trained in anticipation of surge in abuse, neglect cases
Staff Report, Union Leader | July 20, 2020
With a surge of child neglect and abuse cases expected because of COVID-19, the graduation of 25 volunteer advocates and two interns is cause for celebration, CASA of New Hampshire says.
Amy Kivimaki: Please consider volunteering to be an advocate for neglected kids
Letter, Laconia Sun | July 16, 2020
To The Daily Sun, In June of 2018, I became a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer guardian Ad Litem at the age of 72-1/2. You may ask, how did this happen?
Beth Newkirk: Help CASA help children in family court
Letter, Portsmouth Herald | July 15, 2020
To the Editor: Every year in New Hampshire, more than 1,000 children are involved in family court because a family member or caretaker is accused of neglecting or abusing them.
From Pittsburg to Nashua, CASA’s new virtual training brings the classroom to your home
Berlin Sun | July 13, 2020
MANCHESTER – Twenty-five new volunteer advocates and two interns from 25 communities across New Hampshire and Vermont were the first to graduate from CASA of New Hampshire’s brand new virtual training that brings its comprehensive classroom-style training to your home.
CASA Appreciation Day recognizes group that advocates on behalf of children
Ray Brewer, WMUR | April 22, 2020
MANCHESTER, N.H. — The governor is recognizing an organization Wednesday that works with abused and neglected children in New Hampshire by proclaiming it CASA Appreciation Day.
Child Abuse on Rise During Shut Down – CASA of NH Adding Virtual Volunteer Trainings
Carriage Towne News | April 16, 2020
MANCHESTER — The financial and emotional stress placed on families during the COVID-19 epidemic is expected to lead to a dramatic rise in child abuse and neglect cases in New Hampshire.
Marcia Sink: Keep an eye on the children
Op-Ed, Union Leader | April 3, 2020
EVERY CONVERSATION these days (conducted virtually, of course!) seems to start with “How are you doing?” We talk about how the isolation is getting to us, how we are watching too much news, or the challenges of finding toilet paper.
Column: Here’s how people can make a real difference
Rob Taylor, For the Valley News | April 3, 2020
Are you wondering how you could do some good during the COVID-19 pandemic? Here’s a suggestion: Become a foster parent or volunteer child advocate.
Feb. 20-23: Pop-up art show to benefit CASA of New Hampshire
Manchester Ink Link | Feb. 15, 2020
AMHERST, NH — Calling all art lovers! Art Gallery 46, at 46 NH Route 101A in Amherst, is holding a four-day Pop-Up Art Show for a Cause on Feb. 20-23, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
Media Inquiries
CASA staff and representatives are available for interviews. Please direct any questions or requests to Director of Community Relations Erica Thoits, 626-4600, ext. 2111, or send an email.